Tuesday morning, the view from our room overlooking the vineyard was very different. Rain was moving through the area. Still beautiful, sun was shining through the rain, the water drops were bright on the flowers & grass. We were told later that we had missed a beautiful rainbow over the apple orchard. Just can't be everywhere I guess!
After breakfast, we took our time getting ready to leave. Drove to the local postoffice (inside the market) to mail back the hat & key we took (really by mistake!) from Brookhurst, our last stop. After the clerk helped us tape the box & found the post code, she proclaimed it 'done and dusted'. The store next door caught my eye. I decided to go wander through it. In the interim, Bob passed a local with a 'Texas' t shirt. They chatted for twenty minutes or so. Everything from travel to politics. So interesting to hear what they have to say! I joined briefly after my retail therapy and then we were off to Ruby Bay & Kina Beach.
We wandered around the beach for awhile. Actually took my shoes off. The sun was shining, light breeze blowing, of course the views were wonderful.
Back to the vineyard for awhile. We visited with our hostess & discussed options for dinner. She recommended the (one) place with 'real' Italian food in Nelson. We took off, late in the afternoon for Nelson. Wandered around the town for a bit, bought a gizmo for the camera, looked in some bookstores & then had pizza and wine at Stefano's. Good food. Nice people.
In early for the night & off to Golden Bay on Wednesday.
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