We very sadly said our good bye to White Shadows, Bill, Mike & Zoey right after breakfast. We made our way to the airport & were off for Rotorua. Quick stop in Christchurch & we were on our way again. As we descended to Rotorua Regional Airport, a passenger in front of me sniffed & asked we could smell the sulfur yet. I think I actually could! In Christchurch we picked up an unaccompanied five year old who turned out to be a character. He was seated across from us by (as we learned) a primary school teacher. She was very patient as he continued t

We made our way to Kotare Lodge home of Murray (a retired Air New Zealand Flight Engineer) & his wife Kate who is a fifth generation Kiwi. Their home is right on Rotorua lake. Although it is cloudy & rainy but the view is gorgeous. They have Bridie, the Biscuit eater in residence. He is an eleven year old Airedale dog. After visiting with Murray, Kate & Bridie, we headed to Rotorua to see what North Island has to offer. Still suffering from leaving South Island, we tried very hard to keep our minds open to what the north had in store for us. First up, just around
We wandered through Rotorua, stopping to walk through the

As it came

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